Craigslist Garage Sales North Bay (2025)

1. north bay for sale "garage sales" - craigslist

  • for sale ... 7-2 Saturday 8/17 two family garage sale. ... Estate Garage Sale in East Side Petaluma. ... HUGE SIDEWALK SALE!!! ... Neighborhood Sale! ... Furniture and ...

  • north bay for sale "garage sales" - craigslist

2. north bay garage & moving sales - craigslist

  • north bay garage & moving sales - craigslist.

  • north bay garage & moving sales - craigslist

3. north bay garage & moving sales "yard sale" - Craigslist

4. north bay garage & moving sales "north bay" - Craigslist

  • north bay garage & moving sales "north bay" - craigslist.

  • north bay garage & moving sales "north bay" - craigslist

5. north bay garage & moving sales "moving" - craigslist

  • Garage & Moving Sales "moving" in SF Bay Area - North Bay. see also. COMMUNITY WIDE GARAGE SALE. $0. santa rosa · Garage Sale -Huge one family yard sale. $0.

  • north bay garage & moving sales "moving" - craigslist

6. north bay garage & moving sales "moving sale" - craigslist

  • craigslist. Garage & Moving Sales "moving sale" in SF Bay Area - North Bay. see also. Moving Sale at Mill Street Antiques. $0. Cloverdale.

  • north bay garage & moving sales "moving sale" - craigslist

7. north bay for sale "estate sale" - craigslist

  • Estate Garage Sale in East Side Petaluma. 8/24, 8/25·petaluma.

  • north bay for sale "estate sale" - craigslist

8. north bay garage & moving sales "garage sales" - craigslist

  • Garage & Moving Sales "garage sales" in SF Bay Area - North Bay. see also. Yard Sale on the Sidewalk Labor Day in Fairfax. $0. fairfax · Estate Sale. $0. Santa ...

  • north bay garage & moving sales "garage sales" - craigslist

9. north bay garage & moving sales "home" - craigslist

  • Garage & Moving Sales "home" in SF Bay Area - North Bay. see also. Yard/Estate Sale! $0. sonoma · Downsizing after 70 years of marriage - moving sale! $0. san ...

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Craigslist Garage Sales North Bay (2025)


What is the best garage sale day? ›

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold a successful garage sale. Consider scheduling your sale on the first weekend of the month—when people have just gotten paid and haven't spent all their fun money yet.

What do people look for most at garage sales? ›

Vinyl, CDs, and DVDs. The folks who tend to frequent garage sales can be old school, so it's easier to put a CD on the car radio or watch a DVD instead of picking a movie 'on-demand. ' Don't shy away from selling your copy of Top Gun or Guns & Roses' Greatest Hits.

What makes a successful garage sale? ›

For the best attendance, choose a Saturday or Sunday morning between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., when temperatures are cooler. If you can have a two-day sale, that's an even better way to maximize your profits. Make sure to check the weather forecast, too, before you set your date in stone.

How to negotiate a garage sale? ›

When you walk up with an item to negotiate on - have another item or two in mind that are at the same sale. If you reach an impasse on the price of the item - agree to pay what they are asking if they throw in the other item. You've given them a way to win - they got the price they were asking.

How much cash should you have for a garage sale? ›

Sometimes I've started with only $30 but always make sure and have the 10 $1 bills because a lot of people will buy a one or two dollar item and give you a five. I also make sure I have a few more $1's and $5's in the house in case I need them. What are 5 tips for someone who is having their first garage sale?

What time do most people go to garage sales? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high. Depending on how many items you plan to sell, you may want to spread the sale out over multiple days.

What not to sell in a garage sale? ›

Creepy, Tacky, Inappropriate | Things You Should Never Sell at a...
  • Used Underwear: Nope. ...
  • Medicine. ...
  • Taxidermy Animals: Since other people didn't shoot it or catch it, don't sell it.
  • Personal Hygiene Products. ...
  • Adult Movies: OK…that's just ALL I got to say about THAT.

What is the average profit from a garage sale? ›

The right items bought at garage sales are often resold for an average profit of 462% each. As long as you know what to look out for, and who to sell it to, flipping garage sales (and yard sales, and flea markets!) is a clever and easy way to really line your pockets.

Should you price items in a yard sale? ›

Set Prices in a Simple, Honest Way

Nearly new items can be priced higher, but used or worn items should be priced accordingly. Use round numbers that are easy to add up, like $1, $5, $10. This makes transactions quicker and easier for both you and the buyer. Remember, many garage sale buyers expect to haggle.

What is the fastest way to organize a garage sale? ›

How to Organize a Garage Sale
  1. Get Rid of Everything You Don't Need.
  2. Organize Your Items.
  3. Reorganize Your Garage.
  4. Create Lots of Signage.
  5. Online Advertising is Key.
  6. Create a Fun and Welcoming Atmosphere.
  7. Display Your Best Items.
  8. Place Price Tags on Your Items.
Aug 23, 2021

What are the cons of a garage sale? ›

Another significant downside is that a garage sale is a lot of work. Successful garage sales involve (and require) a lot of preparation like making signs, placing ads, getting permits, pricing items, and getting up before dawn on the day of the sale to set everything up.

How much should I sell shoes for at a yard sale? ›

Garage Sale Pricing Suggestions
T-shirtstwo for $1
Shoes$5 - $10
Costume jewelry$1 (or $5 for a few items)
Coffee tables$50 - $100
22 more rows
Jun 3, 2024

What sells best at yard sales? ›

Baby & kids clothing, toys, and gadgets sell super well as well as kitchen stuff (dishes, cookware, etc). Adult clothing can sell, but it's generally not as popular as kids clothing. If you don't have many of the best selling items, a garage sale might not be worth your time.

What is the rule of thumb for pricing at a garage sale? ›

Assess the condition of your items and start pricing using these guidelines that will leave you room to come down in pricing when negotiations begin: Excellent or like-new condition: 50% of original retail price. Good condition: 25%-30% of original retail price. Fair or poor condition: 10% of original retail price.

How can I maximize my garage sale profit? ›

Here are 7 tips to help make your next garage sale or yard sale as profitable as possible.
  1. Offer Plenty to Sell. A sparse garage sale doesn't have much curb appeal. ...
  2. Spruce Things Up. ...
  3. Make it Easy to Shop. ...
  4. Don't Price Too High … or Too Low. ...
  5. Remember that Time is Money. ...
  6. Draw Customers with Freebies. ...
  7. Offer Profitable Extras.

How do I attract people to my yard sale? ›

Post your garage sale flyers around the neighborhood a few days before the yard sale. Make sure to place them in high-traffic areas like marts, parks, office elevators, and churches so people will see them. You can also ask your friends and family to help out.

What is the best month to have an estate sale? ›

Winter Is Better for Sellers; Summer is for Buyers

Spring and summer are packed with garage and estate sales. Fortune favors the brave; if you have a sale during the winter you will surely see more people come through the sale. More people means more potential buyers.

How to display items at a garage sale? ›

When setting up yours, try to:
  1. Make sure all of your merchandise is clean, polished and ready for display. ...
  2. Use tables (that aren't for sale) to display your wares. ...
  3. Create displays that draw people in. ...
  4. Place larger furniture items in an area that won't be damaged by wet grass or weeping, sappy trees.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.